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 Usefull Macros

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Usefull Macros Empty
PostSubject: Usefull Macros   Usefull Macros EmptySat Mar 27, 2010 5:01 pm

Dont know, if these macros will still work in cataclysm...

When VW is out it prevents your cast time from being disturbed but attacks
When Felhunter is out you can dispell both friendly and enemy units.
/cast Fear
/cast [pet] Sacrifice
/cast [pet] Devour Magic

Pure lazyness for recount, just move while casting if its for recount Smile
/cast Ritual of Souls
/recount show

Mount and teleport
fly where possible, cast shield on mount, cast portal when demounting while standing still
/cast [nomounted] Fel Armor
/cast [nomounted] Blue Wind Rider
/cast [nomounted] Dreadsteed
/cast [mounted] Demonic Circle: Summon
/dismount [mounted]

Have a Shammie who's put up his totem nest? This macro sends your pet to attack Totems. Add the names of the totems you would like to kill. Highest priority at the bottom. If there is no Totem it will attack your target.

/petattack [target=Healing Stream Totem]
/petattack [target=Mana]
/petattack [target=Tremor Totem]
/petattack [target=Grounding Totem]

Are there Rogues about? Cast this if you think so, or you get sapped.

#showtooltip Devour Magic
/dismount [mounted]
/cast Devour Magic

One button DoT caster. Hitting the button three times will cycles through the three DoTs. Holding down the shift/alt/control keys will throw the appropriate spells.

/cast [mod] Curse of Exhaustion
/cast [mod] Curse of Agony
/cast [mod] Drain Life
/castsequence [nomod/alt/ctr] reset=target/combat Siphon Life, Corruption, Curse of Agony

Creating distance with melee units, i used it mostly in difficult PvE fights to place dots, slow down + seduce, shadow bolt and then fear to refresh dots again.
/cast Curse of Exhaustion
/cast [pet] Seduction

Dispel yourself, very nice for PvP
/cast Dark Pact
/target <your name here>
/cast [pet] Devour Magic

Use Seed of corruption alternately between two monsters, very good for instances
/cast Seed of Corruption

Banish, generally a nice macro very good to use when PvP-ing (esp against mages)
/p Banishing %t
/cast Banish

Haunt, then Curse of Exhaustion
/castsequence reset=target/combat/5 Haunt, Curse of Exhaustion
Use: Haunts, then after casting Haunt uses Curse of Exhaustion. This macro resets (starts from beginning [1]Haunt -> [2]Exhaustion] when the following things happen. Target is switched, Combat is engaged/disengaged, and 5 seconds after casting Haunt.
Works in 3.1.3
All DoT's and instant damage
/cast [mod] (spell)
/cast [mod] (spell)
/cast [mod] (spell)
/cast [mod] (instant damage spell)

Use: Press shift to do your first dot my lock uses immolate, ctrl for a different dot my lock uses curse of agony and alt for your last dot my lock uses corruption as its shortest length and then while there up to save even more room on you action bar hold z to do a instant damage spell while you wait for dots to come off and repeat when u want more dots
works 3.3
note: i have only tested on my level 9 warlock so you can use any higher level abilitys and also link the ability from spell book or it wont work

Metamorphosis on one button
This places all of the Metamorphosis specific spells onto one button. Clicking with no modifiers will trigger Metamorphosis on the first click and Immolation Aura on the second click. Metamorphosis does not trigger the Global Cooldown however you will still need to click twice to trigger Immolation due to it's requirement that the Meta be active to cast.
/cast [modifier] Demon Charge(Demon)
/cast [modifier] Challenging Howl(Demon)
/cast [modifier] Shadow Cleave(Demon)
/cast [nomodifier] Immolation Aura(Demon)
/cast [nomodifier] Metamorphosis

Validated: 3.2.0

Always Use Metamorphosis, Demonic Empowerment and/or Trinkets
When activated, this will use any available trinket, cast Metamorphosis, cast Demonic Empowerment when an Imp or Felguard is summoned, and cast your regular spell. Change all occurrences of Curse of Agony to the spell of your choice.
#showtooltip Curse of Agony
/use 13
/use 14
/use Metamorphosis
/use [pet:Felguard] [pet] Demonic Empowerment
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/use Curse of Agony
This version allows for focus casting when the ALT key is held. Without holding alt, casts on your current target.
#showtooltip Curse of Agony
/use 13
/use 14
/use Metamorphosis
/use [pet][pet]Demonic Empowerment
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/use [target=focus,mod,harm][nomod,harm]Curse of Agony
Both versions will stop error messages from appearing on your screen but audible messages will still occur so you may wish to turn off Error Speech in the sound options.

This version will turn the error speech off during the casting and back on once it is done. It will NOT remove the visual error messages.

#showtooltip shadow bolt
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/use 13
/use 14
/use Metamorphosis
/use Demonic Empowerment
/use shadow bolt
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Validated: 3.2.0
Credit: Ozmodius of Runetotem (US)

Always Use Metamorphosis, Demonic Empowerment and/or Trinkets
When activated, this will use any available trinket, cast Metamorphosis, cast Demonic Empowerment when an Imp or Felguard is summoned, and cast your regular spell. Change all occurrences of Curse of Agony to the spell of your choice.
#showtooltip Curse of Agony
/use 13
/use 14
/use Metamorphosis
/use [pet:Felguard] [pet] Demonic Empowerment
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/use Curse of Agony
This version allows for focus casting when the ALT key is held. Without holding alt, casts on your current target.
#showtooltip Curse of Agony
/use 13
/use 14
/use Metamorphosis
/use [pet][pet]Demonic Empowerment
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/use [target=focus,mod,harm][nomod,harm]Curse of Agony
Both versions will stop error messages from appearing on your screen but audible messages will still occur so you may wish to turn off Error Speech in the sound options.

This version will turn the error speech off during the casting and back on once it is done. It will NOT remove the visual error messages.

#showtooltip shadow bolt
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/use 13
/use 14
/use Metamorphosis
/use Demonic Empowerment
/use shadow bolt
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
Validated: 3.2.0
Credit: Ozmodius of Runetotem (US)

Metamorphosis/Immolation Aura/Trinkets/Demonic Empowerment/Charge
This macro combines the two above primarily for demonology AoE.
1. The first click will pop Metamorphosis, any Trinkets and your Demonic Empowerment ability (if a felguard or imp is present) at the same time. 2. A second click will activate immolation aura. 3. CTRL click on this button will use Demon Charge.

#showtooltip Metamorphosis
/cast [nomodifier] Metamorphosis
/cast 13
/cast 14
/use [pet:Felguard] [pet] Demonic Empowerment
/cast [nomodifier] Immolation Aura(Demon)
/cast [modifier] Demon Charge(Demon)
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
This version allows control of Demon Form with one button and prevents error messages appearing on screen for this macro if trinkets etc are on cooldown. (Note: error speech will still occur)
Validated 3.3.5
Wiman of Thunderhorn (EU)

Lazy Demonology DPS Macro
This Macro is for easy DPS as Demonology (0/56/15 spec). Simply spam the macro until the end, then when your DoTs fall off, press again three times (four times if you're using the Glyph of Life Tap). If you're moving around a lot and the macro gets stuck in the middle, you'd hold shift to start the macro from the beginning. In between using this macro, spam Incinerate, or Soul Fire when Decimation is active. The macro also automatically makes your pet attack your target and activates Demonic Empowerment (which can be fit in outside of the cast sequence since it's not on the GCD). You can omit Rank 1 Life Tap if you're not using the Glyph of Life Tap, or Shadow Bolt if you have another warlock with the ISB talent, or substitute whatever curse you may prefer or be asked to use instead of CoE. You can also include Metamorphosis and/or a trinket at the end, using the same command as DE, assuming you're in a situation where it's not vital to use CDs at any specific point (e.g, heroics).
/castsequence reset=target/shift,12 Corruption, Immolate, Shadow Bolt, Life Tap(Rank 1), Curse of the Elements
/cast Demonic Empowerment
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
Validated: 3.3.0
Credit: Bakwasgids of Ravencrest (US)

Faster Imp Casting
This macro binds your incinerate with your Imp's firebolt. Very useful if you spam your spells; Imp effectively casts quicker.
#showtooltip Incinerate
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] Firebolt
/cast Incinerate
Can also be used with other spells so that you are constantly spamming the Imp's firebolt. Eg. bound to Immolate:
#showtooltip Immolate
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] Firebolt
/cast Immolate
Validated 3.3.5
Wiman of Thunderhorn (EU)
This will cast Immolate then Incinerate 5 times. It will reset:
If you change target;
If you leave combat;
After 13 seconds (when Immolate goes off)
/castsequence [nomod] reset=target/combat/13 Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate;[mod] Incinerate; Immolate

"Axel's Funeral Pyre"
Cast's "Curse of the Elements, Sacrifice, and Hellfire. Only should be used when the voidwalker is out and when the cooldown meter is at zero. This is essentially a "Nuke Button" to maximize damage to the enemy while minimizing damage to you. The name comes from a scene in "Kingdom Hearts II" Where a character by the name of Axel suicide attacked the enemy by setting himself on fire. However, Sacrifice should keep you from dying in a fiery inferno of death.
/cast Curse of the Elements
/cast [ pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice
/Cast Hellfire
Works in 3.2

Max effect Healthstone
This will change your armor to the Demon Armor (+26% increased healing if you have 3 points in Demonic Aegis) before it uses the Fel Healthstone. On the third mash it will switch back to your Fel Armor.
#showtooltip Fel Healthstone
/castsequence reset=target Demon Armor(Rank Cool, Fel Healthstone, Fel Armor(Rank 4)
Works in 3.2

Mount Macros
Simplified Mounting Macro
This will automatically select your preferred flying or ground mount depending on where you are (you will need to have cold weather flying for this to work in Northrend). It will also dismount you if you are already on a mount.
/cast [nomounted] Albino Drake
/cast [nomounted] Dreadsteed
/dismount [mounted]
If you use the Metamorphosis talent then this extended version of the previous macro will remove the Metamorphosis buff from your character allowing you to instantly mount up (currently, the Metamorphosis buff does not allow the player summon a mount).
/cancelaura Metamorphosis
/cast [nomounted] Albino Drake
/cast [nomounted] Dreadsteed
/dismount [mounted]
Validated: 3.2.0
Credit: Ozmodius of Runetotem (US)
Life Tap Macro
When activated without holding ALT, this macro will cast the highest level of Life Tap available to your character. When ALT is held, it will cast the lowest.

#showtooltip [mod]Life Tap(Rank 1);[nomod]Life Tap
/use [mod]Life Tap(Rank 1);[nomod]Life Tap
Demonic Circle
When activated without holding ALT, this macro will teleport you to your Demonic Circle. When ALT is held, you will summon a new Demonic Circle

#showtooltip [nomod]Demonic Circle: Teleport;[mod]Demonic Circle: Summon
/use [mod]Demonic Circle: Summon;[nomod]Demonic Circle: Teleport
Basic DoTs
Casts your Corruption and Curse of Agony with one button by tapping this macro.

/castsequence reset=10 Corruption, Curse of Agony
Devour Magic
If you have your felhunter out, it will cast Devour Magic on yourself, removing a magical debuff. If there is no magical debuff on you, your felhunter will devour a magical debuff from itself. If there is no magical debuff on either you or your felhunter, it will devour your current target. If your felhunter is not out, it will do nothing.

#showtooltip Devour Magic
/stopmacro [nopet]
/use [target=player][target=pet][]Devour Magic
Pet attack toggle button
Simple, one-button attack/return. Won't change Aggressive, Defensive, or Passive status.

/petattack [target=pettarget,noexists]
/petfollow [target=pettarget,exists]
This puts the Voidwalker's Sacrifice, the Felhunter's Spell Lock, and the Succubus's Seduction all in one button. The effect and tooltip shift depending on which pet you have out. Make sure the "?" image is selected for the tooltips to shift.

#showtooltip [pet] Sacrifice; [pet] Spell Lock; [pet] Seduction
/use [pet] Sacrifice; [pet] Spell Lock; [pet] Seduction
When you have one or two trinkets that have a use effect that increases spell damage or some other kind of effect that you always want in use during combat you normally have use them manually or at best, click a button for it in the hot bar.
This macro will allow you to use whichever trinket is not on cooldown and cast one of the spells that it helps without causing an error message to appear due to either one or both of the trinkets being on cooldown.

#showtooltip Shadow Bolt
/use 13
/use 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast Shadow Bolt
This version allows you to press the ALT key to cast the spell on your [focus] instead of your target. Works best with the [FocusFrame] add-on.
#showtooltip Shadow Bolt
/use 13
/use 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast [modifier,target=focus] Shadow Bolt
/cast [nomodifier,target=target] Shadow Bolt
/clearfocus [target=focus, dead]
Validated: 3.2.0
Credit: Ozmodius of Runetotem (US)
Summon Demons
This macro will allow you to summon all the normal Warlock pet demons (Imp, VoidWalker, Succubus, and Felhunter) by using only one action bar slot and some simple modifiers. I also set the tooltip to change depending on the modifier you are currently using.
#showtooltip [mod] Summon Voidwalker;[mod] Summon Succubus;[mod] Summon Felhunter;[nomod:] Summon Imp
/cast [mod] Summon Voidwalker;[mod] Summon Succubus;[mod] Summon Felhunter;[nomod:] Summon Imp
Validated: 3.3.5
Credit: Nicodeamus of Ysondre (US)
Patch 4.0.1 warlock pet ability macro
/use [pet:imp, mod:shift, target=player] Singe Magic
/use [pet, target=mouseover,exists] Singe Magic
/use [pet] Seduction
/use [pet] Spell Lock
/use [pet] Axe Toss
/use [pet] Sacrifice
Every pet ability in one button.
Patch 4.0 voidwalker sacrifice
/use [pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice
/use Soulburn
/use [mod] Summon Voidwalker; [mod] Summon Succubus; [mod] Summon Imp; Summon Felhunter
Wow warlock macro patch 4.0 that sacrifices your voidwalker and uses soulburn to insta summon a new pet of your choice.
Warlock Teleport macro
#showtooltip Demonic Circle: Teleport
/cast [mod] Demonic Circle: Summon; [nomod] Demonic Circle: Teleport;
Use teleport or summon teleport holding shift.
Fear target or fear focus
#showtooltip Fear
/cast [mod,target=focus] Fear; Fear;
Fears your target or fears your focus when holding down shift.
Spammable drain life
#showtooltip Drain Life
/cast [nochanneling: Drain Life] Drain Life
Only casts Drain life when you're not casting it. You can replace Drain life with any other channeling spell.(drain mana, drain soul)
Life tap macro
#showtooltip [mod]Life Tap(Rank 1);[nomod]Life Tap
/use [mod]Life Tap(Rank 1);[nomod]Life Tap
Click macro = Highest level of Life Tap , macro+alt= level 1 Life Tap (Useful when you have the glyph of Life Tap.

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